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The State of The MJPrime Show-Part Deux


Once again, it’s time for another thrilling instaallment of the State of The MJPrime Show. I know, I haven’t touched this in months (and I’m sure you’ve forgotten my first time around) but let me bring you up to speed…

Since I started The MJPrime Show, I’ve amassed 19 followers on both Twitch & Youtube combined. As for the other platforms I broadcast to…well, jury’s still out (and probably left the building). Despite all the fails, restarts and reboots my stream has undergone, I’m finding my footing as a Content Creator. 

 Let me bring you all up to speed on what’s been happening behind the scenes and what you can expect going forward…

I Took Some Time Off…

Let’s face it, even the most stalwart of creators needs time away from things, so I decided to take some time off and focus on my life outside the persona of MasterJPrime. My real-life work schedule was hectic and I was shuffling my best friend too and from her various doctor’s appointments because she cannot drive on her own (I’m such a good friend). So pretty much if I was off from my job, I was playing taxi to doctors and errand runs. These constant days of running around with little rest tore my body apart. I was constantly exhausted and not as focused on things as I should have been. 

Having A Heart-To-Heart

This past August was the most terrible month I ever experienced since I was first diagnosed with heart issues. I came home from work one night extremely exhausted and dizzy…to the point my body was shaking, my blood pressure went haywire, and my pulse was pretty high. I slept it off and after a day of rest, returned to my work and life duties as I felt better. Well, this was just a prelude to what was to come. 

A week after my first scare, I left work feeling the same exhaustion I felt the week before. Chalking it up to my body not getting much rest, I went to bed to sleep it off as before, but was startled when my pulse was shooting extremely high (over 150). Figuring it was just stress from the job and being the family driver, I slept it off and prepared to return to work the next day. 

By around 10am on that Saturday, everything went south. My blood pressure was tanking and my pulse was racing. I felt my heart pounding out of my chest as if Donkey Kong was playing the bongo drums ontop of me. Hearing my mother’s screams in my head, I rushed myself to the ER to get checked…and then admitted. Turns out I had another cardiac event like three years prior. I needed several surgical procedures to fix everthing and was doped up on so many meds, I sometimes barely remembered my own name. After a whopping 5 different procedures, I was released…with a repaired heart and a shiny new pacemaker to boot! I had stayed in the hospital for a month during this time and wanted badly to go home on my son’s birthday. 

The Future…

After a lengthy home renovation and surgical healing, (mostly due to my cardiac health as well as my friend’s asthma), I have decided to relaunch The MJPrime Show! I am in the process of refining and rebooting my stream to make it even better than it was before. Fortunately, since I now have plenty of time on my hands, I can and will make this work for both my current followers as well as new ones. So look out for more fun, more bloopers and more gameplay action. 

I will keep a schedule of my upcoming streams on both my Twitch page as well as my Youtube and Facebook channels. I’ll post updates to my Twitter (I’m sorry…”X”) platform as well.  Look for me to be back on the air soon. 

Until then, stay strong, stay safe and always give your opponents a sold thrashing